Thursday, December 23, 2010

A New Venture

After much encouragement from my writing friends I have finally started this blogging thing.  It’s probably something I should have done a while back but better late then never.  Thus is the Dinning Room Wall born.  One part diary, one part place to get my work out there and one part my brain exploding all over a word document.  I apologize in advance.  There will probably be a lot of brain exploding.
This past year has been a particularly trying one and I would be a fool if I didn’t admit that the words saved me.  It is also in the words that I’m rediscovering what makes me tick.  I beg you to bear with me.  There will be a lot on here that is experimentation, a lot that I’ve never attempted before.  Some of it will no doubt be brilliant.  The rest will be used to line local litter boxes.  And that is the beauty of writing.  It’s allowed to be brilliant and horrid all at the same time.
So to everyone out there, I thank you in advance for reading and in case we don’t chat again before the holiday, I wish you all the best and the making of some fabulous new memories.

With hopes for a great New Year and a large glass of Eggnog,


An Ode to You

Another year has almost come and gone
The hardest one yet
I couldn’t watch you fade away
And now it still seems unreal
Shattered dreams and shattered plans
A strange new world, without you in it

Somehow I’m still breathing
Still searching for something I can’t name
Now it’s your voice in my head
That tells me to keep going
The old is wiped away
The new path sits unclear

I watch the sun come up and wonder
What comes next
Do I stay
Do I stand and walk away
Can I find the strength to leave behind
The dreams we used to have

New fears, new hopes
Bred of death
And the life that followed
Clearer eyes and truths finally faced
Learning to remember
While finding the will to let go

I say goodbye, take a step forward
Heart in my throat, tears in my eyes
Farewell, you were loved
But it wasn’t a waste
Life or death
For you carry on in me